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1995 - Kids - Larry Clark = CSFD 68% |

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    1995 - Kids - Larry Clark = CSFD 68% Názov:1995 - Kids - Larry Clark = CSFD 68% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:1.5 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-28 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Povidkovy,Psychologicky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Drama / Krimi
    USA, 1995, 91 min
    Režie: Larry Clark
    Scénář: Harmony Korine
    Kamera: Eric Alan Edwards
    Hudba: Lou Barlow, John Davis
    Hrají: Leo Fitzpatrick, Justin Pierce, Chloë Sevigny, Rosario Dawson, Jon Abrahams, Harmony Korine, Avi Korine, Carisa Glucksman, Alan Wise

    52-tiletý režisér Larry Clark ve filmu Kids velmi přesvědčivě zachytil podle scénáře devatenáctiletého mladíka jeden den ze života newyorských teenagerů, jejichž čas takřka beze zbytku vyplňují drogy a sex. Mladíček Telly je posedlý získáváním nezletilých panenských milenek. Kromě jiných předností to pro něj znamená jistotu, že se nenakazí nějakou pohlavní chorobou. Právě on však nevědomky šíří AIDS...
    Film je velmi sugestivní a znepokojivou moralitou, varující před drogami, násilím a promiskuitou. Clark obsadil do filmu výhradně neherce, jež dokázal přimět k mimořádně spontánnímu projevu. Dospělí se ve filmu až na několik výjimek neobjevují; svět osmnáctiletých "dětí" tu existuje jakoby v izolaci, takže dospělí tu nevystupují ani jako "nepřátelé". Clark bohužel nezachycuje sociální zázemí svých postav a jen sporadickými náznaky obohacuje jejich poněkud jednostrunnou charakterizaci. Snímek, v četných erotických scénách balancující na hranici měkké pornografie, je v domácích kinech přístupný (na rozdíl o některých zahraničních států) již od patnácti let. Právě mladé generaci je totiž Clarkovo dílo jako memento určeno.

    Nechápu hodnocení některých lidí o absurditě tohoto snímku. Tento film se snaží ukázat jaká je dnes mládež co dokáže a jak se chová. Jasně někteří intelektuálové si zde řeknou, že to je blbost, že nikdo nic podobného nedělá, ale všem těmhle lidem můžu jen vzkázat ... probuďte se!!!! Tenhle film je nechutný pohled na "teenegerský" svět. Tenhle film nezabaluje všechno do balíčku jaký by každý chtěl, tenhle film nelže, ukazuje co vidí a ukazuje to očima těch, kteří konají tak jak film ukazuje. Jde o odsouzení dnešní mládeže. Avšak zbytečně škatulkuje všechny teenegery dohromady a dělá ze všech jen ty oplzlé, sexem posedlé odpady společnosti(jestli toto někomu vadí, tak to sorry, ale po tomhle snímku snad nemůže nikdo mít dobrou náladu). Kdybych byl rodič a viděl tento film asi bych se zachoval dost drasticky a svým dětem bych zakázal hodně věcí, kdyby se chovali aspoň trochu jinak než by měl. (nejrychleji od odpadu k 5* a zpět a zase zpět, co pamatuji)

    "You guys are sick, you know that?" – A character in the film says to a group of young boys who just beat the crap out of a guy in the park.

    The first real thing anyone can do when watching an expose on certain aspects of American culture is to ask yourself a very hard question, "Is this real?"

    I had to do that with this film.

    Watching Larry Clark's 1995 film "Kids," an authentic and frightening expose of some particularly callous and reckless teenagers in New York City, one cannot wonder if the film is a brilliant commentary on the state of America's youth or is a cleverly exploitive portrait of a corrupted culture.

    I believe the latter. It depicts, with stunning authenticity, the chilling underside to a culture that abides by its own standards while tossing away the teachings and hard-learned lessons of an elder generation.

    First of all, I wouldn't believe anyone who says that this movie is hogwash or offers nothing close to a solution. Well, the first question that people should ask themselves is, do they know anyone like the kids in the movie? I do. I recently graduated from high school and I knew several people who were quite like the kids in this film. This film set out to do one thing: to show American parents, "Hey, these are your kids. Do you know what they do when you're not around?"

    Thoughtful people will ask themselves that. This is a film that deserves a thoughtful audience as a thoughtful crew made it and took the risks associated with bringing such harsh subject matter to the screen.

    Like last year's "Thirteen," "Kids" shows youth on the edge. These "kids" are perfectly amoral and addicted. These kids aren't all right; they're extremely dangerous.

    There isn't a whole lot to the story, other than it chronicles an eventful day in the life of Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick), his friend Casper (Justin Pierce) and their inner-circle of similar-minded, sex/drug-crazed associates. Telly has made it a duty to "deflower" as many girls as possible and later brag to his friends about his latest conquest; but by day's end, guaranteed, he would've done it again (a record for him to do two girls in one day). The main conflict of the story surfaces about 30 minutes in, when Jennie (Chloe Sevigny) discovers that she had contracted HIV from Telly during their first sexual encounter, and it becomes her mission to track him down before another young girl shares her fate.

    This is one powerful and dangerous film that is not for the faint of heart, as it is authentically bleak. There is no hope for the characters in the end; that is just how realistic this film is. The film is also filled with shockingly real images, and a wall of furious sound to drive home its key points. These are the kids of yesteryear, the forgotten generation; these kids are America's worst nightmare because they are young, dumb and just do not care; the fact that they do not care makes them especially dangerous.

    As I stated before, the imagery is extreme and frightening. If there ever was an honest thing these kids ever did, it would have to be willfully giving change to the less fortunate (a man with no legs who rides a skateboard on the subway). We also get images of younger children, swearing, drinking, smoking, talking like adults; trying to fit in with their peers who are not much older than they are. I was actually quite frightened by some baby pictures of our main character and then I see what's on screen.

    Then-newcomer Leo Fitzpatrick puts a face on a sleeping monster in America: the doomed generation of young people that disregard older generations completely and follow their own set of corrupted values. Telly is reckless and stupid; it is impossible to really sympathize with his character, even though we probably are. But it is difficult to do so, mainly because of his preference for deflowering girls younger than him (the first girl we see him with is only 12; he's about 15 or 16) and that could open up discussion for Telly possibly being a borderline pedophile.

    Where are the parents? One could very easily ask that question. Strangely enough, Telly lives with his mother and baby brother. She is the only parent in the film and she seems as every bit as irresponsible as her misguided son.

    Watching "Kids," I couldn't believe how real it is, how it sucks the viewer into its dark, dangerous, and seductive world; it's easy to see how a weak person could believe that what goes on in this movie is cool. It begs the most fundamental question any responsible person could ever ask, "Do you know where your children are?"

    It is a question that every good parent should ask when their teenage son or daughter steps out that front door and into the "real" world.


    Kontura, haroldman, Ondrejdevil,

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